The history of AeroMouse comes from some years ago. Till now, it has been a one-man work; each block of the following timeline required a long time... maybe I am a bit "dispersive", maybe I had urgent things to do...
Whatever the reason, the project never stopped, and now we are at the v1 distribution point. So... let's build together the next AeroMouse!

v1 timeline
>>> The AeroMouse Crowdfunding
With a Card, you have AeroMouse in your pc and join the Community.
But there is a further way to get more involved in the AeroMouse project: back the project in the Crowdfunding.
With the Crowdfunding you can buy one or more Cards choosing what step you like to fund in the next releases of AeroMouse.
In the Crowdfunding you can find also some offer which are exclusive for the Backers. <<< Previous